Apply for Water

Customers seeking New Water Service (purchase and installation of a benefit unit) should first contact RWD 10 District Manager, Steve Conley, to confirm availability. If service is available, our online Application for Water Service/Transfer of Service must be completed, as well as the RWD10 Application for Water Service and Water Users Agreement must be reviewed, signed, and submitted with payment to RWD 10, before meter installation can be scheduled.

Customers seeking Transfer of Service only need only to complete the Application for Water Service/Transfer of Service.

Application for Water Service/Transfer of Service
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Service Address
Mailing Address (if different than service address)
Will you rent or own this property?
Primary Account Owner
Is there a secondary account owner? (spouse or other adult that we can discuss account/billing with)

What is 7+4?

If you are selling your property, please be sure to notify the District Office, so that we may schedule a read out of the meter as soon as the closing date/possession will be given to the new owner. The account must be current.  Until the unit is formally transferred, the original holder shall be responsible for payment of service.